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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Review: Assassin's Creed - Project Legacy

Dig deep into the memories of your Templar and Assassin ancestors, and discover the stories hidden behind the scenes of history in the Facebook Game Assassin's Creed - Project Legacy.

Before I delve into the details of this game, let me give you a quick run-through of what the Assassin's Creed franchise is all about. Assassin's Creed is a story set in the fictional modern day wherein a group of powerful individuals, under the guise of large pharmaceutical firm known as Abstergo Industries, is vying for control over humanity. These powerful individuals are actually modern day Templar Knights. You might be familiar with them if you have read history books particularly on The Crusades. 

The series of Assassin's Creed games is centered around the premise that throughout our long and rich history, a hidden war was waged between Assassin's and Templars, wherein the Templars sought control over mysterious artifacts known as the Pieces of Eden to enslave humanity, while a group known as the Assassins fought against the Templars to preserve humanity's free will. The game introduces a fictional concept of "genetic memory", wherein a person's memory is stored in the DNA, and can be accessed and viewed through a special technology, known in the game as the Animus by his descendants.

AC - Project Legacy is a game developed in conjunction with the third Assassin's Creed game - AC Brotherhood. In AC - Project Legacy, you play as an Abstergo Industries recruit, and you are tasked to explore the memories of several ancestors, mostly from the late 15th century and early 16th century (some of which are characters from AC 2 and AC Brotherhood) through the Data Dump Scanner technology, which is much like Animus, but much simpler. This is to uncover more information which is crucial to Abstergo's sinister plans. 

It is a simple browser game, wherein the story unfolds by executing memories of each ancestor, mostly Assassins, and is told through the point of view of that person. In order to execute a memory, you'll need a certain amount of Action Points (AP). You need to execute a memory to uncover more of that memory until it is 100% complete. If you run out of AP, you'll need to wait, as a 1 unit of AP is replenished every 2 minutes.  As you complete memories, more memories can be explored. The memories are grouped into chapters, with each chapter representing memories of a specific ancestor. Whenever you start a chapter, a video introduction will play which briefly introduces you to the subject ancestor. Think of it as a mix of a graphic novel, a text based adventure game, and Mafia wars. By unlocking and playing through the memories, you’ll reveal much more of stories surrounding the Assassin’s Creed universe, further enriching your experience of the franchise.

Interface window of AC Project Legacy in facebook.

You start as a level 1 recruit, and as you progress further in the game, you'll build up your level and your four basic stats: Conflict, Intrigue, Shadow and Knowledge. Conflict builds up your action points (AP). AP is used to execute memories, as each memory requires a certain amount of AP to be executed. Each 10 stat point allocated to conflict will grant you 1 additional AP.  Intrigue increases the amount of Florins, the currency used in the game, which you acquire in each memory. Shadow increases the chances of acquiring items in missions, while knowledge focuses on crafting. Each 10 stat points allocated to Knowledge will give you one crafting slot, which will allow you to create items in the game.

The core gameplay focuses on exploring the memories of the ancestors. Each memory requires a specific number of AP to be executed and completed, and may require items such as weapons and armor; a specific type of troop or civilian; transportation; consumables; and components. As you play through the memories, you’ll earn experience points, and each time you level up, 5 stat points can be allocated to your four basic stats.  

As mentioned before, items can be obtained in memories. They may also be obtained through crafting or by purchasing them using Florins. To help you in generating florins, you may purchase territories, which generates income that may be collected every 8 or 24 hours.

You may compete against other Project Legacy players through the PVP (Player Vs Player) aspect of the game. The game will provide you potential targets that you may engage in skirmish with. Each target will have a corresponding likelihood of winning represented by a ratio. The higher the ratio, the better your chances are in winning the skirmish. However, certain features of PVP are still in development.

One thing I liked about this game is that you may sync your game progress with your AC Brotherhood progress. Through the Train feature of Project Legacy, you’ll be able to train the assassins you’ve recruited in AC Brotherhood. Aside from this, there is a Contracts feature, which is a set of additional memories for you to explore. Completing contract memories will net you rewards for your AC Brotherhood game. To redeem your rewards, you simply have to sync your AC Brotherhood save game on your PS3, Xbox or PC to your facebook account when you load your game, and upon loading your game, you’ll be rewarded Florins, experience points for your Assassin recruits, and treasures for shop quests. As you progress in Project Legacy, you may also be awarded capes that Ezio may equip in AC Brotherhood. Several actons may also reward you UPLAY points that enables you to redeem rewards in both Project Legacy and AC Brotherhood, such as equipment upgrades, wallpapers, character skins, etc. 

To wrap this up, as a big fan of the Assassin’s Creed series, AC Project Legacy is a nice little facebook game that will definitely enrich your AC experience by engaging you in several AC side stories, and through its sync system that rewards your progress also in AC Brotherhood. If you’re a fan of the series, I definitely recommend visiting its facebook page at

Score: 4.25 / 5.00

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